How to find a job in New Zealand?
Inspiration you should take to heart
Looking for a job here in New Zealand? The quote above is actually great advice. I have been involved in helping people get jobs and employers find great people for the past 25+ years and the one common thing I see far too much from job seekers is them giving up because they did not have any success looking for a job. Comments like I approached “20 local businesses and no one had the job I was looking for” are all too common.
When looking for a job you need to set a mindset of each day “I will make 20+ approaches a day and I will not stop until I succeed even if it takes me years” - In my experience, it will not take you that long at all.
Of course, if you have great skills and experience you will approach the appropriate employers or apply to job vacancies but if you don’t have any relevant work experience yet then getting ‘face to face’ is a good approach.
However, to give yourself a better chance of employment understand there are a number of requirements you need to think about including;
Make a plan
Do you have skills and experience that enable you the right to apply for the job?
Are you presented in the best way for that employer? (And this differs industry to industry)
Can you get some training that will help you get a job or a better job?
Can you find volunteer work which will give you some work experience, skills ad, more importantly, a great reference?
Build a great CV there are plenty of people around who can help but without experience and skills, the CV will not be very compelling.
If you do not have the experience, training or a great CV lookout for job opportunities that offer training and start approaching local employers personally, show them you are keen to work, well presented and enthusiastic.
Talk to your local recruitment agency or careers person and find out about any job placement schemes in your region.
Don’t get too fussy (unless you can afford to wait) it is easier to get a job when you have experience and a great reference and take the approach of building into your desired career.
Training & Job Placement
It is common for organisations that provide skills training to help with finding jobs once you have completed your qualification so make sure you do your research on this before deciding who you invest in to provide you with the training you want. Also, some training providers have a better reputation for certain industries so find out from employers you would like to work for where they would look for graduates.
Places to look for jobs.
As well as approaching local businesses there are a growing number of social media sites dedicated to promoting local jobs in just about every region in New Zealand. Some local papers still advertise jobs and many retailers will put up vacancies in their shop window.
There are a number of job sites like and Seek and Trademe Jobs.
Build a profile on and you can also approach employers here and view plenty of jobs. This is handy if you are looking for jobs all over New Zealand.
Find a Coach
If you are a little shy or feel you need support and more advice find a career coach. Google is a great place to start.
Join Community Groups and Pages.
For more tips and to become part of a great New Zealand community join the JobCafe Group
Hope you found this helpful.
Happy job hunting.
Tony C
Tony Cutting
Personal Coach / Owner Jobcafe