Life – Why it has to change.
When a major change in your life hits you, some people handle it well and others at times struggle. The fact is life is always changing, and well, it kind of has to. If it wasn’t so big or so shocking, we probably would not call it a change at all.
These changes often represent the defining points of our lives. The older I get, the more I realize that life is all about change, and how we deal with it plots our course. No one can predict the future, but we can learn how to deal with change and understand that it is always coming.
As someone who has experienced great change recently, I wanted to make sure I handled this change in the most positive way possible.
How did I deal with this change? By being grateful. Weird right?
Not really when you realise that changes are an opportunity to get your life back on track, reassess and design a future ‘you love’.
In time you will wish the change had happened earlier. I guess what has helped me in recent times is having the knowledge deep down that a major change is good for me, it may still come with some emotional pain (this is natural) but I know from previous experience and a whole lot of learning – change is good.
This knowledge did not come quickly, it has taken several life-changing events for me to be able to see the progress I made from those changes. I have become a better person with every change. I also go into the future with much greater knowledge and skills. I understand I am totally responsible for my life (the good and bad) and there is no-one else who is designing my life.
To move forward quickly, forgive yourself, forgive others, be grateful and look forward to the new life you can create. If you need help to seek it – get help, the faster you can get back on track the quicker you will see what a gift that change was for you.
Over time you will learn to embrace change and take much better care of yourself.
I hope you found this helpful.
Tony Cutting
Personal Coach