PAs crucial to successful businesses and organisations

Kaytee Boyd

A New Zealand business leader has come in to bat for many unsung personal assistants (PAs), just weeks out from the annual New Zealand Office and PA Show.  

Most chief executives of businesses and big organisations cannot achieve their goals while battling full diaries, deluge of emails and requests for their time without their personal assistant, Boyd Clinic chief executive Kaytee Boyd says.

She would rather leave her right arm at home, than face a day without her personal assistant (PA).

Boyd is a guest speaker at the second annual Office and PA Show at Auckland on September 19 and 20. The event will provide key training and upskilling for people who attend the conference.

Other speakers include Brian Mosteller, former special assistant to US President Barack Obama and Donna Coulling, who is PA to UK actors such as Helena Bonham Carter and Rachel Weisz.

Boyd says PAs take away some of the angst and time associated with diary and email management, and other tasks that seem to miraculously get done.

“That allows me to keep a clear head and focus on my clients and enables me to do the best by them.  I would simply drown, if I had to juggle patient and client care with all the amazing things my PA does to free up my day.  Mine is my lifeline and lifesaver, daily. 

 “If I didn’t have a super PA, I simply wouldn’t have the time or headspace to give my clients and patients my 100 percent focus which would undermine the core focus and purpose of my business, not to mention compromise my personal values at the same time. 

“My business and personnel are structured to enable me to put my clients and patients first.  That’s a non-negotiable for me.

“PAs and executive assistants (EAs) are at the heart of organisations, working side-by-side with chief executives and leaders, playing a key role in supporting decisions. Aside from the day to day lightening of the admin load, so allowing leaders to focus on their clients and core business, a good PA invariably has a strong working knowledge of the intricacies of the business and the key stakeholders and suppliers. 

“They can therefore smooth the path to a successful meeting or business negotiation, particularly as most PAs I know are so awesome at building relationships and winning people over.  They see so much of what goes on, by working so closely with management, so can often add great insight, and provide an interesting point of challenge. 

“PAs are now relied on to do so much more, and contribute to a much greater degree, than the routine clerical nature of the role in the past.”

Boyd says the value a good PA can bring to a business simply cannot be underestimated. 



- Make Lemonade

Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

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