To multi-task or not to multi-task…or to uni-task

According to neuroscience there is a brief moment after the neurons in the working memory system have fired where they need to rest and recuperate before they can fire again – the attentional blink. The result is a pause of between a fifth and half a second where no new info can be registered. Anything that happens in this time is not noticed. A multi tasker doing business related work with the TV or radio on or chatting on the phone while updating their facebook, (I have to admit to that one!) might switch their attention a few hundred times in an hour, thus increasing the attentional blink to a significant time lapse.

Dr Craig Hassed, in his book “Mindful Learning” 2014, states, “Multi tasking is associated with being more stressed and pressured when we work. It is also associated with inefficiency, remembering less and understanding things in less depth. Part of the allure of multi- tasking is that it creates an appearance of getting more done in a given amount of time. The solution? When you notice you are multi-tasking, stop and focus again on priority no 1”.

I just got up to get a drink of water and as I came back to my studio, remembered that I needed to turn on the washing machine. As I walked into the laundry, I passed the stairway and smelled the bathroom cleaner I had put in the shower about half an hour earlier (just before I sat down to write), thinking I would leave it to do its magic before attending to it. My impulse, having turned on the washing machine, was to quickly go upstairs and clean the shower! Multi –tasking?? No I’m not cleaning the shower, I’m writing, aren’t I?

My view is that we feel as though we’re multi-tasking when we are very busy and have a lot ‘to do.’ When the mind is preoccupied with it’s to-doing, you may be thinking about all the things needing to be done, whilst doing one task. You may be switching your attention to the tasks ahead, whilst striving to deal with the task at hand. This mind set can flick us rapidly  into stress and overwhelm. Mindfulness and any creative or physical pursuit can help with this tendency.

Uni tasking or having presence of mind reduces the attentional blink, improving memory. Uni- tasking  means prioritising tasks, having a plan and just giving each task your full attention. This is a form of mindfulness. I notice when I’m drawing or painting I become more deeply immersed in that one task than any other time. I notice this with my students too, in fact, when it’s time for a tea break, often I have to repeat, “cup of tea and biscuits,” several times to shift their focus away from their drawing.

This drawing was particularly absorbing, it’s a demo drawing for teaching classical coloured pencil technique, where there is a high degree of finish. I always find this kind of drawing very meditative with its moment by moment tiny pencil movements, the ultimate form of uni-tasking.

If you would like to learn to draw or develop your skills, check out my online art courses.


Yours in Art


Kimbra Taylor


ARTWORKS is a New Zealand based organisation founded by award winning artist Kimbra Taylor.  Dedicated to helping individuals achieve balance through the appreciation of art, Kimbra offers mindfulness education with “Learn to Draw” online art courses, as well as commissioning her work for others’ enjoyment.

Contact Kimbra on 04 902 1656


Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.

Hannah Shand Art Exhibition


Getting Back on Track