Build your personal brand to succeed

Kia ora Koutou

I live in New Zealand and people here generally do not like to promote themselves.  We like to be humble and there really is quite a tall poppy syndrome that goes on here.

Unfortunately, the world is changing so rapidly us Kiwi’s just need to start getting over it.  That does not mean we cannot be humble as you choose your brand and how you want to be seen, but it does mean putting yourself out there whether you like it or not.

The BIG game changer has obviously been social media which is creating more superstars every day than any other medium on the planet.

So whether you just want to snag your first job, or grow your career or accelerate the growth of your business, you will need to start thinking about building your PERSONAL brand.  Yes, you can build your business brand, but things will start accelerating when you realise it is your personal brandeveryone is really interested in.

Yes, you can also choose to stay out of this game (and it is just that – a game, so have FUN).  Many people will make it big without social media.  However, thousands if not millions of people just like you will achieve their dreams much quicker by jumping in the deep end and going for it.

Where to start?

A great resource which will either inspire you or not is the book Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk.  The time to grab this book is now as you can download an audio copy for FREE from Amazon.  Once you have listened to this you may be like me and order the physical version and start using it to help you understand the nuances of the major platforms available to you today.

Secondly, signup to at least Facebook and Instagram and just start using them.

And finally, if you want support from a personal coach to guide you through getting started with either building your first resume or developing your career plan and/or build your dream business – contact me.

Nga mihi

Tony Cutting
Personal Coach, Personal Digital Marketing Consultant.

Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.

Want to grow your business?


Get off your arse! and move!